מכון שילוב מתמחה בטיפולים בתחום המשפחה והזוגיות מאז 1971 והינו המכון הוותיק בישראל בתחום

המכון הוותיק בישראל לטיפולים בתחום המשפחה

The unit for the therapy of sexual assault in a family approach

The unit that deals with treating sexual assault was founded in 1998 by members of the staff at the “Shiluv” Institute, in response to a need that arose from the families referred to the Institute for therapy, and the recognition that the therapy on this subject required special expertise. Whenever possible, we also treat the entire family – the victim, the abuser and the rest of the family.

טיפול בגיעות מיניות

About the unit

Our unit’s approach is centered on recognizing the crucial role of the family in the potential healing process. We have learned, in many cases, that the family can become functional and can contribute to the recovery process. On many occasions, we have witnessed the family emerge from the abyss of shame and pain, and continue to live a healthy and hopeful life. As the family perseveres and completes the in-depth and ongoing therapeutic process, the victims’ chances of once again gaining the feeling of belonging to the family increase; they get the empathy and protection they need from the family; and there is a decrease in the risk of sexual assault recurring in the present and future generations.

Will the therapy conducted together with the entire family?

This is a possibility – but certainly not at the beginning and, in some instances, also not later. The family treatment vision takes into account the structure of the family and their relationship; an assessment is conducted of the strengths of the family and invests in reinforcing them. In family therapy, it is desirable to work individually with the victims, with the other family members and, whenever possible, also with the abusers. Only when it is possible and appropriate, joint therapeutic sessions are held.

A team of expert therapists

The members of staff in the unit work in full collaboration, so that the family treatment is conducted simultaneously with several therapists, together and separately, in consultation with colleagues, all the while maintaining the security and privacy of the victim. Whenever this is deemed necessary, the unit collaborates with other therapists from outside the Institute.

The “Shiluv” Institute – like any other therapeutic framework – is compliant with the requirements of the law to report whenever there is the fear of injury to a minor.

The professional contribution of “Shiluv”

In the unit, they have developed a number of professional and theoretical tools used to deal with sexual assault in general, and assault within the family in particular:

Using a video recording as part of the therapeutic process: For example: recording the abuser’s expression of remorse – this will permit the abuser to work on the message, together with the therapist, until it appears appropriate – thus enabling the victim to watch the recording together with the therapist, at a pace and at a time that they feel comfortable with.

“Open cards” kit – a tool for the therapist that helps the family to start talking about the injury in a safe, non-threatening and non-judgmental atmosphere.

Head of the Family-Focused Unit for the Treatment of Sexual Assault: Haim Cohen, M.S.W.

אמהות של אלמנות מלחמה

אירועי ה7 באוקטובר והמלחמה המתמשכת מציבים אתגרים רבים בפני החברה הישראלית. ממדי הטראומה והיקפי הנפגעים מחייבים אותנו ללמוד תוך כדי תנועה ולפתח מענים ייחודיים. בתקופה זו מכון שילוב פתח קבוצת תמיכה לאימהות של אלמנות מלחמה. הקבוצה הראשונה כבר נפגשת, ותיפתח קבוצה נוספת לאחר פסח 2025.

מטרות הקבוצה היא לתת להן מקום. לאפשר  התמודדות קבוצתית עם תהליכי האבל, תוך שימת דגש על המאפיינים הייחודיים של התמודדות האימהות. 

לחזק את מעגל האימהות של אלמנות המלחמה, מתוך הבנה כי היכולת לטפל בהן, לחזק אותן ולעזור להן, להוות עמוד תווך משפחתי לצד האבל, יכולה להיות קריטית בסיכויי ההחלמה של המשפחה כולה, וכן מתוך הרצון לספק להן עצמן משענת שאין כרגע אף גוף שמחויב לספק.

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